Argumentation Mining Based on Multi-task Joint Learning
LIAO Xiangwen1,2,3, NI Jichang1,2,3, WEI Jingjing4, WU Yunbing1,2,3, CHEN Guolong1,2,3
1.College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116; 2.Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Networking Computing and Intelligent Information Processing, Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116; 3.Digital Fujian Institute of Financial Big Data, Fuzhou 350116; 4.College of Electronics and Information Science, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou 350108
Abstract:Most of the existing research on argumentation mining is focused on modeling single dataset, and the possible changes in feature of different datasets are neglected. And thus the generalization performance of the model is decreased. Therefore, an argumentation mining method based on multi-task learning is proposed to combine the argumentation mining tasks of multiple datasets for joint learning. Firstly, the input layers of multiple tasks are fused, and the sharing parameters of word level and character level are obtained via deep convolutional neural network and highway network. The joint task-related feature input into stacking long-short term memory is utilized to train the correlation information between multiple argumentation mining tasks in parallel. Finally, the results of sequence labeling are obtained by the conditional random field. The experimental results on six datasets of various fields verify the effectiveness of the proposed method with increased Macro-F1.
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